In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping therapy, or fire cupping as it is sometimes referred to is a 2,500-year-old practice that compliments acupuncture. Therapeutic cupping is an excellent choice for moving stagnation. In general, stagnation creates pain and restricted movement, especially in shoulder or back pain. Cupping is used to promote healing and treatment of upper respiratory conditions such as cold and bronchitis, just to mention a few.
If you are suffering from a condition that cupping therapy can help cure, or alleviate, call us at (815) 570-1590, or click the button below.
During a cupping session, a therapist fills glass cups with heated air and places them on areas of the body which are experiencing pain. As the cups cool, a vacuum is created within and creates suction on the skin that increases blood flow to the area.
There are two techniques that can be used during a cupping treatment. One is called “stationary cups” and the second one “sliding cups”. There is virtually no preparation of the area while doing stationary cups. They are simply applied on the area of treatment and left there for a few minutes. For sliding cups, the skin must be prepared with a lubricant such as a massage oil, the cups are then applied and moved over the lubricated skin. The vacuum that is created when doing cupping, loosens muscles and promote relaxation of the area being treated. It dissolves muscle tension and provides relief.
It can be alone as a form of therapy or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. Sessions typically last 10 to 15 minutes and can be repeated once any bruising from the previous session has dissipated.
In addition to cupping therapy, a wide range of other Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques are offered at the Center. Learn about our other treatments »
If you are suffering from a condition that can be helped by cupping therapy, or if you’d like to learn more, please call us at (708) 387-2058, or click the button below to set up an appointment.
Oriental Medicine focuses on strengthening and activating the body’s mechanism for healing itself. By using acupuncture, herbal remedies, supplements, and other techniques, the body will be triggered into repairing damage and will heal itself, thus achieving a state of balance. We are always delighted when we see patients progress from a state of imbalance — experiencing physical or emotional pain — to a place where they feel much better after only a few acupuncture treatments!
As a Natural Healer, or Holistic Healer, I strive to view each and every patient through a comprehensive model of care that encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Any imbalance within these three areas will negatively affect our overall health.
Being a Holistic Healer is an intricate part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and provides me with a better understanding of our patients’ needs. This is key to developing an effective acupuncture treatment plan, as well as a strategy that may include self-care techniques for patients to perform at home between treatments and a regimen of carefully chosen herbal supplements. All of these things will allow for an overall sense of wellbeing, better outcomes, and improvements in patient conditions.
Please give us a call to schedule an appointment, or discuss any questions you might have about our treatments, or our process.